Steps to update your Employee Record
Open up your Employee profile page from the Employee List and follow these steps:
In the Overview tab:
1. Upload photo and check name (spellings, first/last name, etc.)
2. Add date of birth
Joining tab can be left out.
In Address & Contacts tab:
3. Add mobile phone to be used for office work
4. Add a personal email, in case the office email is not working or to be used after leaving the firm
5 & 6. Add current and permanent addresses
7 & 8. Selected rented / owned for both addresses
9, 10 & 11. Add emergency contact information
Attendance & Leaves can be left as is.
In Salary tab:
12 & 13. Add bank account details
In Personal tab:
14. Choose blood group
15. Add any health details we should be aware of, especially allergies
16. Add passport information, if available
The Profile tab is also to be filled but can be filled over time. This will help us quote profiles in proposals.